Your Company is Valuable and David Nava Will Make That Known

David Nava is the CEO and Founder of Surf Financial Group LLC. David Nava grew 
up in San Diego, CA. He creates awareness in public companies’ stocks. His 
company takes private companies and makes them public. He creates awareness in 
public companies’ stocks. His business is based out of La Jolla, CA. He works 
under the guidance of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and 

His company, Surf Financial Group LLC, offers SEC compliance services with 
their SEC attorney, Blair Kruger to get your company on the right path. 
David Nava’s company, Surf Financial Group LLC. has over 15 years of both 
business and financial experience. As the founder and CEO, David Nava is 
committed to providing the highest quality customer service to you and your 
company. The company’s niche is in marketing and promotion. Surf Financial 
Group, LLC can assist your company in any and all SEC compliance issues. 

David Nava’s client, Robert J. McNulty, who is the Founder, Chairman, and 
CEO of, Home Club/ Homebase Inc., and CEO of Beyond Commerce 
mentions, John David Nava has been a key associate of mine for the past 
eight years. Through John David’s diligent and tenacious hard work, along 
with his myriad of contacts, he has helped to launch many of my endeavors. 
I have found Mr. Nava to be extremely loyal and trustworthy. His word is 
his work. He is a “Doer” and has been known to work day and night in order 
to accomplish his objectives. I strongly recommend David in any facet of 
investor relations and fundraising. He has a wonderful gift of reaching out 
to and understanding the needs of his clients. 

Previously, David Nava worked with Scott Landow of Bond Labs, Dr. Elorian 
Landers, Dr. Mark Songer, Former White-Collar Crime Task Force Supervisor 
in Los Angeles/Washington D.C., Former Supervisor of Anti-Money Laundering 
Task Force, Force Indian Gaming Commissioner, and CEO of, 
as well as Billy Sayers, businessman/owner of Great Earth Vitamins in La 
Jolla, CA. When not working, he enjoys coaching his son’s San Diego Stars 
Club baseball team and contributes to Casa de Los Pobres, an orphanage in 
Tijuana. Furthermore, he gives back to the community through teaching, 
helping, inspiring, and mentoring the youth through working with the Greater 
Works Empowerment Center. This facility provides after school programs for 
the youth, continued education programs, English as a Second Language, sports 
programs, as well as a variety of additional programs. 

David Nava and his team are committed to completing every task in strict 
compliance of the law in business. Furthermore, he is committed to helping 
individuals pursue their financial goals. For more information, please 
visit David Nava can be contacted at 
(858) 245-8461.